Are Red-Light Camera Tickets Still Legal?

Yes, Red Light Camera Tickets are still legal. Since the introduction of the California Vehicle Code section 21455.5, allowing Red Light Cameras, many California cities have used automated enforcement cameras to monitor Red Light violations. Certain cities in Orange County in Southern California continue to operate Red Light cameras.

Even with cities ending their use of Red-Light Cameras, the Courts and the Legislature have made enforcing photo tickets much easier. However, not all is lost! Here are some critical facts to help you fight your Red-Light Photo Enforcement ticket:

1. Signs not properly posted or visible. Signs must be posted 200 feet before the intersections where Red-Light Cameras are posted to alert drivers that cameras are present.

2. Enforcement agencies not having the proper guidelines in place. Law Enforcement agencies must have uniform guidelines for screening, issuing violations, processing, and storing confidential information.

3. The phasing of a yellow light not meeting time requirements. Intersections, where Red-Light Cameras are used, must be appropriately calibrated and timed yellow light phases.

RPM Law knows what to look for when defending Red Light Camera violations. We have handled thousands of cases over the years, with many resulting in either complete dismissal or favorable outcomes. If you have any questions regarding these cases or any other traffic matters, feel free to call us for a free consultation.
